Επιφανές μέλος

Sitting here wasted and wounded
at this old piano
Trying hard to capture
the moment this morning I don't know
'Cause a bottle of vodka
is still lodged in my head
And some blond gave me nightmares
I think that she's still in my bed
As I dream about movies
they won't make of me when I'm dead
With an ironclad fist I wake up and
French kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps
its own beat in my head
While we're talking
About all of the things that I long to believe
About love and the truth and
what you mean to me
And the truth is baby you're all that I need
I want to lay you on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses
Well I'm so far away
That each step that I take is on my way home
A king's ransom in dimes I'd given each night
Just to see through this payphone
Still I run out of time
Or it's hard to get through
Till the bird on the wire flies me back to you
I'll just close my eyes and whisper,
baby blind love is true
I want to lay you down on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses
The hotel bar hangover whiskey's gone dry
The barkeeper's wig's crooked
And she's giving me the eye
I might have said yeah
But I laughed so hard I think I died
When you close your eyes
Know I'll be thinking about you
While my mistress she calls me
To stand in her spotlight again
Tonite I won't be alone
But you know that don't
Mean I'm not lonely I've got nothing to prove
For it's you that I'd die to defend
I want to lay you down on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses :')
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Πολύ δραστήριο μέλος

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall...
I always said that I was gonna make it,
Now it's plain for everyone to see,
But this game I'm in don't take no prisoners,
Just casualties,
I know that everything is gonna change,
Even the friends I knew before me go,
But this dream is the life I've been searching for,
Started believing that I was the greatest,
My life was never gonna be the same,
Cause with the money came a different status,
That's when things change,
Now I'm too concerned with all the things I own,
Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,
I'm beginning to lose my integrity
Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall
I never used to be a troublemaker,
Now I don't even wanna please the fans,
No autographs,
No interviews,
No pictures,
And less demands,
Given advice that was clearly wrong,
The type that seems to make me feel so right,
But some things you may find can take over your life,
Burnt all my bridges now I've run out of places,
And there's nowhere left for me to turn,
Been caught in comprimising situations,
I should have learnt,
From all those times I didn't walk away,
When I knew that it was best to go,
Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,
Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall
Now I know,
I made mistakes,
Think I don't care,
But you don't realise what this means to me,
So let me have,
Just one more chance,
I'm not the man I used to be,
Used to beeeeeeeeeee
Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall...
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Πολύ δραστήριο μέλος

Plain talking (Plain talking)
Take us so far (take us so far)
Broken down cars (broken down cars)
Like strong out old stars (like strong out old stars)
Plain talking (Plain talking)
Served us so well (served us so well)
Travelled through hell (travelled through hell)
know how we fell (know how we fell)
Lift me up, lift me up
Higher Nowama
Lift me up, lift me up
Higher Nowama
Lift me up, lift me up
Higher Now
Plain talking (Plain talking)
Making us bold (making us bold)
So strong out and cold (so strong out and cold)
I’m feeling so old (feeling so old)
Plain talking (Plain talking)
Has ruined us now (has ruined us now)
You never know how (you never know how)
Sweeter then down (sweeter then down)
Lift me up, lift me up
Higher Nowama
Lift me up, lift me up
Higher Nowama
Lift me up, lift me up
Oh la la la la
Lift me up, lift me up
Oh la la la la
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Δραστήριο μέλος

My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high
Rise Up
don't falling down again
Rise Up
long time I broke Its hands.
I try to fly a while so high
direction's sky
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Επιφανές μέλος

I'm a rolling thunder, poutin rain
I'm comin' down like a hurricane
My lightning's flashing across the sky
You're only young but you're gonna die
I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives
Nobody's putting up a fight
I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell
I'm gonna get ya, Satan get ya
Hell's Bells
Yeah, Hell's Bells
You got me ringin' Hell's Bells
My temperature's high, Hell's Bells
I'll give you black sensations up and down your spine
If you're into evil you're a friend of mine
See my white light flashing as I split the night
'Cause if Good's on the left,
Then I'm stickin' to the right
I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives
Nobody's puttin' up a fight
I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell
I'm gonna get ya, Satan get you
Hell's Bells
Yeah, Hell's Bells
You got me ringin' Hells Bells
My temperature's high, Hell's Bells
Hell's Bells, Satan's comin' to you
Hell's Bells, he's ringing them now
Hell's Bells, the temperature's high
Hell's Bells, across the sky
Hell's Bells, they're takin' you down
Hell's Bells, they're draggin' you around
Hell's Bells, gonna split the night
Hell's Bells, there's no way to fight, yeah
Ow, ow, ow, ow
Hell's Bells
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Πολύ δραστήριο μέλος

Τα βουνά περνάω
και τις θάλασσες περνώ
Κάποιον αγαπάω
Δυο ευχές κρατάω
και δυο τάματα κρατώ
Περπατώ και πάω
Κάποιος είπε πως η αγάπη
σ' ένα αστέρι κατοικεί
αύριο βράδυ θα 'μαι εκεί
Κάποιος είπε πως ο έρωτας
για μια στιγμή κρατά
αύριο βράδυ θα 'ναι αργά
Στα πουλιά μιλάω
και στα δέντρα τραγουδώ
Κάποιον αγαπάω
Κι όταν τραγουδάω
προσευχές παραμιλώ
περπατώ και πάω
Κάποιος είπε πως ο δρόμος
είναι η φλέβα της φωτιάς
ψυχή μου πάντα να κυλάς
Κάποιος είπε πως ταξίδι
είναι μόνο η προσευχή
καρδιά μου να 'σαι ζωντανή
Κάποιος είπε πως η αγάπη
σ' ένα αστέρι κατοικεί
αύριο βράδυ θα 'μαι εκεί
Κάποιος είπε πως ο έρωτας
για μια στιγμή κρατά
αύριο βράδυ θα'ναι αργά
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Δραστήριο μέλος

Ήθελα να 'μαι η αφή στην άκρη των δακτύλων σου
ό,τι αγγίζεις να 'χει κάτι κι από μένα
να 'μαι τη νύχτα η φωνή χαμένων φίλων σου
που λεν τραγούδια παλιά κι αγαπημένα
Ήθελα να 'μαι εισιτήριο στην τσέπη σου
όταν σε μένα ταξιδεύει η σκέψη σου
ήθελα να 'μαι εισιτήριο στην τσέπη σου
όταν σε μένα ταξιδεύει η σκέψη σου
Ήθελα να 'μαι η σκιά στην άκρη των βλεφάρων σου
η μόνη λέξη στο παραμιλητό σου
να 'μαι η πρώτη ρουφηξιά απ' το τσιγάρο σου
κι η τελευταία η γουλιά απ' το ποτό σου
Ήθελα να 'μαι εισιτήριο στην τσέπη σου
όταν σε μένα ταξιδεύει η σκέψη σου
ήθελα να 'μαι εισιτήριο στην τσέπη σου
όταν σε μένα ταξιδεύει η σκέψη σου
Θα 'θελα να 'μαι αστραπή που σβήνει μες στο βλέμμα σου
πάνω στο χέρι η τυχερή γραμμή σου
να 'μαι κρυμμένος πυρετός μέσα στο αίμα σου
για να ξυπνάω τις φωτιές μες στο κορμί σου
Ήθελα να 'μαι εισιτήριο στην τσέπη σου
όταν σε μένα ταξιδεύει η σκέψη σου
ήθελα να 'μαι εισιτήριο στην τσέπη σου
όταν σε μένα ταξιδεύει η σκέψη σου
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.

και ας είναι η φωτιά του να σε κάψει»
Πορτο Ρικο, Β. Παπακωνσταντινου
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Πολύ δραστήριο μέλος

Πωωωωωωω τι μου εκανες τωρα... αχχχ και πφφφ!yves larock - rise up
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow so high
Rise Up
don't falling down again
Rise Up
long time I broke Its hands.
I try to fly a while so high
direction's sky

Ενα τραγουδι, τοσες αναμνησεις...

Όλα είναι ίδια αν δε τ' αγαπάς
όλα μένουν ίδια άμα δε τα πας
Κι όλα αυτά που είναι γίνονται ξανά
μέσα απ' τη δικιά σου τη ματιά
μέσα απ' τη δικιά σου τη ματιά
Μια φωτογραφία κομματάκια δυο
έχω να σε δω χρόνια αστεία-αστεία
Πιάνω την κολλάω σε ξανακοιτώ
πιο όμορφη θαρρώ δείχνεις μου όσο πάω
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Alejandro Papas
Περιβόητο μέλος
Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true
Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me
Hey there Delilah
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me, girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good
Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame
Hey there Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do
You'll know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
This one's for you
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me
τοσες αναμνησεις

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Επιφανές μέλος

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again.
I will be there, I will be there.
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday.
I will be there, I will be there.
Fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again.
I will be there, I will be there.
Love, only love
Can break down the walls someday.
I will be there, I will be there.
If we'd go again
All the way from the start,
I would try to change
The things that killed our love.
Your pride has build a wall, so strong
That I can't get through.
Is there really no chance
To start once again?
I'm loving you.
Try, baby try
To trust in my love again.
I will be there, I will be there.
Love, your love
Just shouldn't be thrown away.
I will be there, I will be there.
If we'd go again
All the way from the start,
I would try to change
The things that killed our love.
Your pride has build a wall, so strong
That I can't get through.
Is there really no chance
To start once again?
If we'd go again
All the way from the start,
I would try to change
The things that killed our love.
Yes I've hurt your pride, and I know
What you've been through.
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end.
I'm still loving you.
I'm still loving you,
I need your love.
I'm still loving you.
Still loving you, baby...
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Alejandro Papas
Περιβόητο μέλος

Bury all your secrets in my skin.
Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins.
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again...
So if you love me, let me go.
And run away before I know.
My heart is just too dark to care.
I can't destroy what isn't there.
Deliver me into my Fate -
If I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you...
Ooh, my smile was taken long ago,
If I can change I hope I never know.
I still press your letters to my lips
And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss.
I couldn't face a life without your light,
But all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight.
So save your breath, I will not care.
I think I made it very clear.
You couldn't hate enough to love.
Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren't my friend.
Then I could hurt you in the end.
I never claimed to be a Saint...
Ooh, my own was banished long ago,
It took the Death of Hope to let you go
So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul.
You never needed any help...
You sold me out to save yourself...
And I won't listen to your shame.
You ran away, you're all the same.
Angels lie to keep control...
Ooh, my love was punished long ago,
If you still care, don't ever let me know...
If you still care, don't ever let me know...
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Επιφανές μέλος

I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track (Thunder)
I looked 'round,
And I knew there was no turning back (Thunder)
My mind raced
And I thought what could I do? (Thunder)
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you (Thunder)
Sound of the drums
Beatin' in my heart
The thunder of guns!
Tore me apart
You've been - thunderstruck!
Rode down the highway
Broke the limit, we hit the ton
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas
And we had some fun
We met some girls,
Some dancers who gave a good time
Broke all the rules, played all the fools
Yeah, yeah, they, they, they blew our minds
And I was shakin' at the knees
Could I come again please.
Yeah the ladies were too kind
You've been - thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Yeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck
Oh, thunderstruck, yeah
Now we're shaking at the knees
Could I come again please.
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Yeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah
Said yeah, it's alright
We're! Doing fine
Yeah, it's alright
We're! Doing fine
So fine
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Whoa baby, baby, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck!!!
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Πολύ δραστήριο μέλος

Angel Of Mine
You are everything I need to see
Smile and sunlight makes sunlight to me
Laugh and come and look into me
Drips of moonlight washing over me
Can I show you what you want from me
Angel of mine, can I thank you
You have saved me time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you
After all these years, one thing is true
Constant force within my heart is you
You touch me, I feel I'm moving into you
I treasure every day I spend with you
All the things I am come down to you
[ Lyrics from: ]
Angel of mine
Let me thank you
You have saved me time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you
Back in the arms of my angel
Back to the peace that I so love
Back in the arms of my angel I can finally rest
Giving you a gift that you remind me
Angel of mine
Let me thank you
You have saved me time and time and time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you
Angel of mine
Can I thank you
You have saved me time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you
...without you
More lyrics:
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Διακεκριμένο μέλος

Confide in me and tell me, why the worthless never die
And tell to me my darling, why we cast our pearls to swine
Please come to me and show me, why the dead refuse to bleed
Why nothing lasts forever, and the past cant be retrieved
I am the alpha and the omega; I am the beginning and the end.
I am the answer I am the enigma; I am the flame which never ends
No love will ever save you, no kisses are too deep
No cross will give you answers, or satisfy your needs
No faith will give you pleasure, that takes away the pain
But hate will give you meaning, and make you feel again
I am the alpha and the omega; I am the beginning and the end.
I am the answer I am the enigma; I am the flame which never ends
Are we living just for pleasure, or for reasons yet unknown?
Let us realize our secrets, when we reach into my soul
Let my dreams be remembered, when I lay down not to sleep
Hell is where the heart is, its a place for you and me
I am the alpha and the omega; I am the beginning and the end.
I am the answer I am the enigma; I am the flame which never ends.
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Δραστήριο μέλος

It's all coming back to me now
That strange and almost endless dream
Where I was you and you were me
You opened up your eyes and I could see
That you were falling from the world
As aimless as a shooting star in orbit around me
Thinking I was somebody else
And terrified to look at me and see yourself, well...
You are like a dream
And I am just a trip that you are on
When the trip is over you will go back
To the places that you once belonged
You will look for comfort there
And when you do you'll find that it has gone
That is when you'll dream a dream
Where I am you and you are me
And then you'll know my love
So don't be afraid
Your heart is in me**
And it's racing so fast now
Cause everything we ever were or ever will be
Is shapeless as a changing cloud
Your letter written on the sky
I'm needing now to read it through my eyes
When you see just what I see
Then tenderly watch it change
And just let it be
Cause I am like a dream
And you are just a trip that I am on
When the trip is over I will go back
To the places that I once belonged
And I will look for comfort there
And when I do I know it will be gone
That is when I'll dream a dream
Where I am you and you are me
And then I'll know your love quiet now...
This is just some trip that we are on
When the trip is over we will think of this
As someplace that we once belonged
When I find no comfort here
I'll look again to find it in your arms
That is where I'll dream a dream
Where I am you and you are me
And that's where I know love
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Δραστήριο μέλος

Να μ’ αγαπάς, να σταθούμε εδώ σε μια γωνιά
Να κοιταχτούμε λες κι ειν’ γιορτή, πρωτοχρονιά
Να με κρατάς αγκαλιά σφιχτά γιατί μου πήρε πολλά το εφτά
εκτός κι αν είπα εγώ το έλα σ’ όλα αυτά
Μακάρι να ‘ναι η καρδιά μου ρόδι τυχερό
να στο χαρίσω να στάζει αγάπη ένα σωρό
Στα μαξιλάρια και στο χαλί να ξεχαστώ να μου λες πολύ
Κι ας κάνει ο φόβος κι άλλη τρύπα στο νερό
Να περπατάμε χέρι-χέρι ως το πρωί
Του τραμ οι ράγες κάτι ξέρουν δεν μπορεί
Τα χρόνια φεύγουν, γοργά περνούν και μ’ αναμνήσεις μετά γυρνούν
Μικρά τα ονόματα που όλα τα χωρούν
Να μ’ αγαπάς με τα λάθη μου όλα στη σειρά
Στο σινεμά στο κορμί μου κόλλα τρυφερά
Δεν ειν’ ο κόσμος ιδανικός, για το ταξίδι είναι δανεικός
Για να ‘χει όνειρα να κάνει ο ενικός
Να μου μιλάς μεσημέρι, βράδυ και πρωί
Στα ξαφνικά, στο μικρό μπλακ άουτ της Δ.Ε.Η.
Και μέχρι να ‘ρθει ξανά το φως, αυτός ο λόγος ο πιο κρυφός
θα δει ν’ ανοίγουμε μια πόρτα στη ζωή
Να μ’ αγαπάς εαυτέ μου σ’ έψαχνα παντού
Κι ενώ ενοχές κι αντοχές μου ‘δίναν ραντεβού
απ’ τα ακριβά μου στα πιο φθηνά κι απ’ τη φωλιά μου στο πουθενά
συναντηθήκαμε στη μέση του καιρού
Να μ’ αγαπάς, να σταθούμε εδώ σε μια γωνιά
Να κοιταχτούμε λες κι ειν’ γιορτή, πρωτοχρονιά
Να μου μιλάς σιγανά στ’ αυτί γιατί σ’ακούνε την νύχτα αυτή
παλιά μου όνειρα που χρόνια είχαν κρυφτεί
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Επιφανές μέλος

Living easy
Loving free
Season ticket for a one way ride
Asking nothing
Leave me be
Taken everything in my stride
Don't need reason
Don't need rhyme
Ain't nothin' I would rather do
Going down
By the time
My friends are gonna be there too, eh
I'm on a highway to hell
On the highway to hell
Highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
No stop signs
Speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel
Gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me 'round
Hey Satan
Paid my dues
Playin' in a rockin' band
Hey momma
Look at me
I'm on my way to the Promised Land, wooh
I'm on the highway to hell
Highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
Highway to hell
Mmm, don't stop me
I'm on the highway to hell
On the highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
On the highway to
Highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
Highway to hell
Highway to hell
Highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
Highway to hell
And I'm goin' down,all the waa-ay-aay, wohh
M-on the highway to hell!!!!!!!!!!!
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.

επισης μου αρεσουν και οι στιχοι απο 2 τραγουδια των the beatles...When I find myself in times of trouble..Mother Mary comes to me..Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.......
και το..Close your eyes and I'll kiss you,..Tomorrow I'll miss you;...Remember I'll always be true....And then while I'm away,...I'll write home ev'ry day,
And I'll send all my loving to you.
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Επιφανές μέλος

Κάποιος κοιτάει την ώρα
κάποιος στο δρόμο τρέχει
κάπου σε κάποια χώρα
τώρα μπορεί να βρέχει
Κι εμένα τι με νοιάζει
εδώ έχει πάντα ήλιο
μόνο που με τρομάζει,
όποτε λέω θα φύγω
είχα πει θα φύγω
είχα πει ...
Κι όμως είμαι ακόμα εδώ
κι αυτό το καλοκαίρι
λιωμένο παγωτό κολλάει στο χέρι
Κάποιος κοιτάει την ώρα
κάποιος στο δρόμο τρέχει
είμαι ακόμα εδώ ...
Έχει αδειάσει η πόλη
γυρνάω στην παραλία
έχουνε φύγει όλοι
η ώρα πήγε μία
Κι εμένα τι με νοιάζει
εδώ έχει πάντα ήλιο
μόνο που με τρομάζει,
όποτε λέω θα φύγω
είχα πει θα φύγω
είχα πει ...
Κι όμως είμαι ακόμα εδώ
κι αυτό το καλοκαίρι
λιωμένο παγωτό κολλάει στο χέρι
Κάποιος κοιτάει την ώρα
κάποιος στο δρόμο τρέχει
είμαι ακόμα εδώ ...
Κι όμως είμαι ακόμα εδώ
κι αυτό το καλοκαίρι
λιωμένο παγωτό κολλάει στο χέρι
Κάποιος κοιτάει την ώρα
κάποιος στο δρόμο τρέχει
είμαι ακόμα εδώ
Κι όμως είμαι ακόμα εδώ ...
Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 13 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.
Χρήστες Βρείτε παρόμοια
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- Libertus
- charmander
- Joji
- Viedo
- Unboxholics
- Euge.loukia
- Εχέμυθη
- giannhs2001
- Nefeli_
- SlimShady
- Luke.
- Slytherin
- orchidea
- iminspain
- malenaaa
- harry akritas
- Scott
- ΘανάσοςG4
- Warzycha_13
- panamixagr97
- Fanimaid
- louminis
- Snoopy Doo
- Memetchi
- fretoe
- Darkirenit
- Scandal
- old man consequences
- Βλα
- JoeDon
- johnnyantony
- CiNeFiL
- Μάρκος Βασίλης
- Steffie88
- uni77
- gwgw_5
- Alma Libre
- Nikos 7
- Elama On Peli
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